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The resource_monitor_plugin monitors space usage in the computing system where nodeop is running. Specifically, every resource-monitor-interval-seconds seconds, it measures the individual space used by each of the file systems mounted by data-dir, state-dir, blocks-log-dir, snapshots-dir, state-history-dir, and trace-dir. When space usage in any of the monitored file system is within 5% of the threshold specified by resource-monitor-space-threshold, a warning containing the file system path and percentage of space has used is printed out. When space usage exceeds the threshold, if resource-monitor-not-shutdown-on-threshold-exceeded is not set, nodeop gracefully shuts down; if resource-monitor-not-shutdown-on-threshold-exceeded is set, nodeop prints out warnings periodically until space usage goes under the threshold.

resource_monitor_plugin is always loaded.


# config.ini
plugin = sysio::resource_monitor_plugin
# command-line
nodeop ... --plugin sysio::resource_monitor_plugin [options]

Configuration Options

These can be specified from both the nodeop command-line or the config.ini file:

Config Options for sysio::resource_monitor_plugin:

--resource-monitor-interval-seconds arg (=2))
Time in seconds between two consecutive checks
of space usage. Should be between 1 and 300.
--resource-monitor-space-threshold arg (=90))
Threshold in terms of percentage of used space
vs total space. If the used space is within
`5%` of the threshold, a warning is generated.
If the used space is above the threshold and
is enabled, a shutdown is initiated; otherwise
a warning will be continuously printed out.
The value should be between 6 and 99.
A switch used to indicate `nodeop` will "not"
shutdown when threshold is exceeded. When not
set, `nodeop` will shutdown.
--resource-monitor-warning-interval arg (=30))
Number of monitor intervals between which a
warning is displayed. For example, if
`resource-monitor-warning-interval` is to 10
and `resource-monitor-interval-seconds` is 2,
a warning will be displayed every 20 seconds,
even though the space usage is checked every
2 seconds. This is used to throttle the
number of warnings in the `nodeop` log file.
Should be between 1 and 450.

Plugin Dependencies

  • None