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About System Contracts

The Wire blockchain platform is unique in that the features and characteristics of the blockchain built on it are flexible, that is, they can be changed, or modified completely to suit each business case requirement. Core blockchain features such as account creation and modification, token economics, node operator registration, multi-sig, etc., are implemented inside smart contracts which are deployed on the blockchain built on the Wire platform.


System contracts, system accounts, priviledged accounts

At the genesis of a Wire-based blockchain, there is only one account present: sysio, which is the main system account. There are other system accounts, which are created by sysio, and control specific actions of the system contracts mentioned earlier.

Privileged accounts are accounts which can execute a transaction while skipping the standard authorization check. To ensure that this is not a security hole, the permission authority over these accounts is granted to sysio.prods.

Not all system accounts contain a system contract, but each system account has important roles in the blockchain functionality, as follows:

AccountPriviledgedHas contractDescription
sysioYesIt contains the sysio.system contractThe main system account on an Wire based blockchain.
sysio.msigYesIt contains the sysio.msig contractAllows the signing of a multi-sig transaction proposal for later execution if all required parties sign the proposal before the expiration time.
sysio.wrapYesIt contains the sysio.wrap contract.Simplifies block producer superuser actions by making them more readable and easier to audit.
sysio.tokenNoIt contains the sysio.token contract.Defines the structures and actions allowing users to create, issue, and manage tokens on Wire based blockchains.
sysio.namesNoNoThe account which is holding funds from namespace auctions.

|sysio.prods|No|No|The account representing the union of all current active block producers permissions.| |sysio.ram|No|No|The account that keeps track of the SYS balances based on users actions of buying or selling RAM.| |sysio.ramfee|No|No|The account that keeps track of the fees collected from users RAM trading actions: 0.5% from the value of each trade goes into this account.| |sysio.saving|No|No|The account which holds the 4% of network inflation.| |sysio.stake|No|No|The account that keeps track of all SYS tokens which have been staked for NET or CPU bandwidth.| |sysio.vpay|No|No|The account that pays the block producers accordingly with the votes won. It assigns 0.75% of inflation based on the amount of votes a block producer won in the last 24 hours.| |sysio.rex|No|No|The account that keeps track of fees and balances resulted from REX related actions execution.|


RAM is the memory (space, storage) where the blockchain stores data. If your contract needs to store data on the blockchain, like in a database, then it can store it in the blockchain's RAM using either a multi-index table.


CPU is processing power, the amount of CPU an account has is measured in microseconds, it is referred to as "cpu bandwidth" on the clio get account command output and represents the amount of processing time an account has at its disposal when pushing actions to a contract.


As CPU and RAM, NET is also a very important resource in Wire-based blockchains. NET is the network bandwidth measured in bytes of transactions and it is referred to as "net bandwidth" on the clio get account command. This resource like CPU must be staked so that a contract's transactions can be executed.

System contracts defined in wire-system-contracts

sysio.bios contract

The sysio.bios is a minimalist system contract because it only supplies the actions that are absolutely critical to bootstrap a chain and nothing more. This allows for a chain agnostic approach to bootstrapping a chain.

The actions implemented and publicly exposed by sysio.bios system contract are: setpriv, setalimits, setglimits, setprods, setparams, reqauth, setabi.

Action nameAction description
setprivSet privilege status for an account.
setalimitsSet the resource limits of an account
setglimitsNot implemented yet.
setprodsSet a new list of active producers, that is, a new producers' schedule.
setparamsSet the blockchain parameters.
reqauthCheck if an account has authorization to access the current action.
setabiSet the abi for a contract identified by an account name.

Below are listed the actions which are declared in the sysio.bios contract, mapped one-to-one with the native actions, but having no implementation at the contract level:

Action nameDescription
newaccountCalled after a new account is created. This code enforces resource-limit rules for new accounts as well as new account naming conventions.
updateauthUpdates the permission for an account.
deleteauthDelete permission for an account.
linkauthAssigns a specific action from a contract to a permission you have created.
unlinkauthAssigns a specific action from a contract to a permission you have created.
canceldelayAllows for cancellation of a deferred transaction.
onerrorCalled every time an error occurs while a transaction was processed.
setcodeAllows for update of the contract code of an account.

sysio.system contract

The sysio.system contract is another smart contract that provides an implementation for as a sample system contract. It is a version of sysio.bios only this time it is not minimalist, it contains more elaborated structures, classes, methods, and actions needed for an Wire based blockchain core functionality:

The actions implemented and publicly exposed by the sysio.system system contract are presented in the table below. Just like the sysio.bios sample contract there are a few actions which are not implemented at the contract level (newaccount, updateauth, deleteauth, linkauth, unlinkauth, canceldelay, onerror, setabi, setcode), they are just declared in the contract so they will show in the contract's ABI and users will be able to push those actions to the chain via the account holding the 'sysio.system' contract, but the implementation is at the Wire Sysio core level. They are referred to as native actions.

Action nameAction description
newaccountCalled after a new account is created. This code enforces resource-limits rules for new accounts as well as new account naming conventions.
updateauthUpdates the permission for an account.
deleteauthDelete permission for an account.
linkauthAssigns a specific action from a contract to a permission you have created.
unlinkauthAssigns a specific action from a contract to a permission you have created.
canceldelayAllows for cancellation of a deferred transaction.
onerrorCalled every time an error occurs while a transaction was processed.
setabiAllows for updates of the contract ABI of an account.
setcodeAllows for updates of the contract code of an account.
initInitializes the system contract for a version and a symbol.
setramSet the ram supply.
setramrateSet the ram increase rate.
setparamsSet the blockchain parameters.
setprivSet privilege status for an account (turn it on/off).
setalimitsSet the resource limits of an account.
setacctramSet the RAM limits of an account.
setacctnetSet the NET limits of an account.
setacctcpuSet the CPU limits of an account.
rmvproducerDeactivates a producer by name, if not found asserts.
updtrevisionUpdates the current revision.
bidnameAllows an account to place a bid for a name.
bidrefundAllows an account to get back the amount it bid so far on a name.
depositDeposits core tokens to user REX fund.
withdrawWithdraws core tokens from user REX fund.
buyrexBuys REX in exchange for tokens taken out of user's REX fund by transferring core tokens from user REX fund and converting them to REX stake.
unstaketorexUse staked core tokens to buy REX.
sellrexSells REX in exchange for core tokens by converting REX stake back into core tokens at current exchange rate.
cnclrexorderCancels unfilled REX sell order by owner if one exists.
rentcpuUse payment to rent as many SYS tokens as possible as determined by market price and stake them for CPU for the benefit of receiver, after 30 days the rented core delegation of CPU will expire.
rentnetUse payment to rent as many SYS tokens as possible as determined by market price and stake them for NET for the benefit of receiver, after 30 days the rented core delegation of NET will expire.
fundcpuloanTransfers tokens from REX fund to the fund of a specific CPU loan in order to be used for loan renewal at expiry.
fundnetloanTransfers tokens from REX fund to the fund of a specific NET loan in order to be used for loan renewal at expiry.
defcpuloanWithdraws tokens from the fund of a specific CPU loan and adds them to the REX fund.
defnetloanWithdraws tokens from the fund of a specific NET loan and adds them to the REX fund.
updaterexUpdates REX owner vote weight to current value of held REX tokens.
consolidateConsolidates REX maturity buckets into one bucket that cannot be sold before 4 days.
mvtosavingsMoves a specified amount of REX to savings bucket.
mvfrsavingsMoves a specified amount of REX from savings bucket.
rexexecProcesses max CPU loans, max NET loans, and max queued sellrex orders. Action does not execute anything related to a specific user.
closerexDeletes owner records from REX tables and frees used RAM. Owner must not have an outstanding REX balance.
buyrambytesIncreases receiver's ram in quantity of bytes provided.
buyramIncreases receiver's ram quota based upon current price and quantity of tokens provided.
sellramReduces quota my bytes and then performs an inline transfer of tokens to receiver based upon the average purchase price of the original quota.
delegatebwStakes SYS from the balance of one account for the benefit of another.
undelegatebwDecreases the total tokens delegated by one account to another account and/or frees the memory associated with the delegation if there is nothing left to delegate.
refundThis action is called after the delegation-period to claim all pending unstaked tokens belonging to owner.
regproducerRegister producer action, indicates that a particular account wishes to become a producer.
unregprodDeactivate the block producer with specified account.
voteproducerVotes for a set of producers. This action updates the list of producers voted for, for given voter account.
regproxySet specified account as proxy.
onblockThis special action is triggered when a block is applied by the given producer and cannot be generated from any other source.
claimrewardsClaim block producing and vote rewards for block producer identified by an account.

sysio.msig contract

The sysio.msig allows for the creation of proposed transactions which require authorization from a list of accounts, approval of the proposed transactions by those accounts required to approve it, and finally, it also allows the execution of the approved transactions on the blockchain.

These are the actions implemented and publicly exposed by the sysio.msig contract:

Action nameAction description
proposeCreates a proposal containing one transaction.
approveApproves an existing proposal.
unapproveRevokes approval of an existing proposal.
cancelCancels an existing proposal.
execAllows an account to execute a proposal.
invalidateInvalidate proposal.

sysio.token contract

The sysio.token contract defines the structures and actions that allow users to create, issue, and manage tokens for Wire-based blockchains.

These are the public actions the sysio.token contract is implementing:

Action nameAction description
createAllows an account to create a token in a given supply amount.
issueThis action issues to an account a specific quantity of tokens.
openAllows a first account to create another account with zero balance for specified token at the expense of first account.
closeThis action is the opposite for open action, it closes the specified account for specified token.
transferAllows an account to transfer to another account the specified token quantity. One account is debited and the other is credited with the specified token quantity.
retireThis action is the opposite for create action. If all validations succeed, it debits the specified amount of tokens from the total balance.

sysio.wrap contract

The sysio.wrap system contract allows node owners to bypass authorization checks or run privileged actions with 15/21 producer approval.

It does not grant any new powers or privileges to node owners beyond what already exists in Wire-based blockchains, but provides a more straightforward method for executing important governance-related actions, such as modifying account permissions or contract code.

The only action implemented by the sysio.wrap system contract is the exec action. This action allows for execution of a transaction, which is passed to the exec method in the form of a packed transaction in JSON via the trx parameter and the executer account that executes the transaction. The same executer account will also be used to pay the RAM and CPU fees needed to execute the transaction.