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The sysio.msig contract facilitates the management of multi-signature proposals on a Wire-based blockchain. It enables creating, approving, and executing proposed transactions which require authorization from multiple accounts.

Below is a diagram describing the flow of operations:



Creates a proposal for a transaction that requires approvals from specified permission levels.

Parameter NameDescription
proposerThe account proposing the transaction.
proposal_nameUnique name for the proposal.
requestedList of permission levels expected to approve the proposal.
trxThe transaction proposed for execution.

It allows a proposer(an account) to make a proposal_name(proposal) which has requested permission levels needed to approve the proposal.


Approves n existing proposal.

Parameter NameDescription
proposerThe account that initiated the proposal.
proposal_nameThe name of the proposal to approve.
levelThe permission level that is approving the proposal.
proposal_hashThe checksum of the transaction being approved.

It allows an account, the owner of level permission, to approve a proposal proposal_name proposed by proposer.

If the proposal's requested approval list contains the level permission required, then the level permission is moved from requested_approvals list to provided_approvals list of the proposal, thus persisting the approval for the proposal. Storage changes are billed to proposer.


Revokes approval of a proposed transaction(reverse of the approve action).

Parameter NameDescription
proposerThe account that initiated the proposal.
proposal_nameThe name of the proposal to unapprove.
levelThe permission level revoking approval.

If all validations pass, the level permission is erased from internal provided_approvals and added to the internal requested_approvals list, and thus un-approve or revoke the proposal.


Cancels an existing proposal.

Parameter NameDescription
proposerThe account that initiated the proposal.
proposal_nameThe name of the proposal to be canceled.
cancelerThe account responsible for canceling the proposal.

Allows the canceler account to cancel the proposal_name proposal, created by a proposer, only after time has expired on the proposed transaction. It removes corresponding entries from internal tables.


Executes a proposal that has been approved by all required permission levels.

Parameter NameDescription
proposerThe account that initiated the proposal.
proposal_nameThe name of the proposal to execute.
executerThe account executing the proposal.

Prerequisites for exec action:

  • executer has authorization
  • proposal_name is found in the proposals table
  • all requested approvals have been received
  • proposed transaction is not expired
  • and approval accounts are not found in invalidations table

If all prerequisites are met, the transaction is executed as a deferred transaction, and the proposal is erased from the proposals table.


Invalidates the sender’s approvals, preventing execution of any dependent proposals.

Parameter NameDescription
accountThe account invalidating its own approvals.

Tables and Storage


Stores the details of each proposed transaction.


Manages the approvals needed and given for each proposal.


Keeps track of invalidated approvals to ensure they are not used in executing proposals.