--action-blacklist arg: Action (in the form code::action) added to action blacklist (can specify multiple times).
--key-blacklist arg: Public key added to blacklist of keys that should not be included in authorities (can specify multiple times).
--sender-bypass-whiteblacklist arg: Deferred transactions sent by accounts in this list do not have any of the subjective whitelist/blacklist checks applied to them (can specify multiple times).
--api-accept-transactions arg: Allow API transactions to be evaluated and relayed if valid (default: 1).
--validation-mode arg: Chain validation mode ("full" or "light").
--disable-ram-billing-notify-checks: Disable the check which subjectively fails a transaction if a contract bills more RAM to another account within the context of a notification handler.
--maximum-variable-signature-length arg: Limit the maximum length of variable components in a variable-length signature to this size in bytes (default: 16384).
--trusted-producer arg: Indicate a producer whose blocks headers signed by it will be fully validated, but transactions in those validated blocks will be trusted.
--database-map-mode arg: Database map mode ("mapped", "heap", or "locked").
--trace-dir arg: Specifies the location of the trace directory (absolute path or relative to the application data directory). This directory stores the trace data generated by the plugin.
--trace-slice-stride arg: Defines the number of blocks each "slice" of trace data will contain on the filesystem (default: 10000 blocks). This helps in managing the segmentation of trace data for better access and management.
--trace-minimum-irreversible-history-blocks arg: Sets the number of blocks to ensure are kept past the Last Irreversible Block (LIB) for retrieval before "slice" files can be automatically removed. A value of -1 indicates that automatic removal of "slice" files is turned off.
--trace-minimum-uncompressed-irreversible-history-blocks arg: Specifies the number of blocks to ensure are uncompressed past the LIB. Compressed "slice" files are still accessible but may carry a performance loss on retrieval. A value of -1 indicates that automatic compression of "slice" files will be turned off.
--trace-rpc-abi arg: Provides the ability to specify ABIs used when decoding trace RPC responses. This can be an absolute path to a file containing a valid JSON-encoded ABI, a relative path from the data-dir to a file containing a valid JSON-encoded ABI, or directly a JSON-encoded ABI definition.
--trace-no-abis: Indicates that the RPC responses will not use ABIs. This option is useful when the trace data does not need interpretation via ABI, or if ABI data is not available or necessary. This is mutually exclusive with specifying --trace-rpc-abi.