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Wallet Specification

Wallet Import Format (WIF)

Wallet Import Format is an encoding for a private EDSA key. Wire uses the same version, checksum, and encoding scheme as the Bitcoin WIF addresses and should be compatible with existing libraries [1]. Check Bitcoin WIF for more information.

Example of a WIF Private Key:


This encoding is good for:

  • Copy and Pasting private keys (ensures the entire key is copied)
  • Including keys in text or user editable file formats
  • Shortening the key-length

This encoding is not suitable for:

  • Writing keys down by hand (even a single upper / lowercase mistake can cause a major problem)
  • Binary or computer storage where code handles the key and data is already checked


  • If a key could be written down or re-keyed, the BIP39 Mnemonic Code standard is a better option to use.
  • It is a good idea to always label a WIF key using the word "Private" or "Private Key".

Private key to WIF

  1. A fake private key of all zeros is used. This is 32 bytes long (shown here as hex).
  1. Add a 0x80 byte in front. This byte represents the Bitcoin mainnet. EOS uses the same version byte. When encoded the version byte helps to identify this as a private key. Unlike Bitcoin, EOS always uses compressed public keys (derived from a private key) and therefore does not suffix the private key with a 0x01 byte.
  1. Perform a binary SHA-256 hash on the versioned key.
  1. Perform a binary SHA-256 hash on result of SHA-256 hash.
  1. Take the first 4 bytes of the second SHA-256 hash, this is the checksum.
  1. Add the 4 checksum bytes to the versioned key from step 2.
  1. Base58 encode the binary data from step 6.

WIF to private key (checksum checking)

  1. Start with the Wallet Import Private Key.
  1. Base58 decode the WIF string (shown as HEX here).
  1. Slice the decoded WIF into the versioned key and the checksum (last 4 bytes).
  1. Perform a binary SHA-256 hash on the versioned key.
  1. Perform a binary SHA-256 hash on result of SHA-256 hash.
  1. Take the first 4 bytes of the second SHA-256 hash, this is the checksum.
  1. Make sure the checksum in steps 3 and 6 match.

  2. Slice the versioned private key from step 3 into the version and private key.

  1. If the version is 0x80 then there is no error.


Base58Check is a JavaScript implementation of this algorithm and may be used to encode and decode EOS WIF private keys.

base58check = require('base58check')
wif = base58check.encode(privateKey = '00'.repeat(32), version = '80', encoding = 'hex')
assert.equal('5HpHagT65TZzG1PH3CSu63k8DbpvD8s5ip4nEB3kEsreAbuatmU', wif)
let {prefix, data} = base58check.decode(wif)
assert.equal(prefix.toString('hex'), '80')
assert.equal(data.toString('hex'), '00'.repeat(32)))