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Nodeop Options

Nodeop is a command line interface (CLI) application. As such, it can be started manually from the command line or through an automated script. The behavior of nodeop is determined mainly by which plugins are loaded and which plugin options are used. The nodeop application features two main option categories: nodeop-specific options and plugin-specific options.

Nodeop-specific Options

Nodeop-specific options are used mainly for housekeeping purposes, such as setting the directory where the blockchain data resides, specifying the name of the nodeop configuraton file, setting the name and path of the logging configuration file, etc. A sample output from running nodeop --help is displayed below, showing the nodeop-specific options (Note: the plugin-specific options have been excluded for clarity):

Application Config Options:
--plugin arg Plugin(s) to enable, may be specified
multiple times

Application Command Line Options:
-h [ --help ] Print this help message and exit.
-v [ --version ] Print version information.
--full-version Print full version information.
--print-default-config Print default configuration template
-d [ --data-dir ] arg Directory containing program runtime
--config-dir arg Directory containing configuration
files such as config.ini
-c [ --config ] arg (=config.ini) Configuration file name relative to
-l [ --logconf ] arg (=logging.json) Logging configuration file name/path
for library users

Plugin-specific Options

Plugin-specific options control the behavior of the nodeop plugins. Every plugin-specific option has a unique name, so it can be specified in any order within the command line or config.ini file. When specifying one or more plugin-specific option(s), the applicable plugin(s) must also be enabled using the --plugin option or else the corresponding option(s) will be ignored.

For more information on each plugin-specific option, just visit the Plugins section.