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Nodeop Configuration

The plugin-specific options can be configured using either CLI options or a configuration file, config.ini. Nodeop-specific options can only be configured from the command line. All CLI options and config.ini options can be found by running nodeop --help as shown above.

Each config.ini option has a corresponding CLI option. However, not all CLI options are available in config.ini. For instance, most plugin-specific options that perform actions are not available in config.ini, such as --delete-state-history from state_history_plugin.

For example, the CLI option --plugin sysio::chain_api_plugin can also be set by adding plugin = sysio::chain_api_plugin in config.ini.

config.ini location

The default config.ini can be found in the following folders:

  • Mac OS: ~/Library/Application Support/sysio/nodeop/config
  • Linux: ~/.local/share/sysio/nodeop/config

A custom config.ini file can be set by passing the nodeop option --config path/to/config.ini.

Nodeop Example

The example below shows a typical usage of nodeop when starting a block producing node:

nodeop \
-e -p sysio \
--data-dir /users/mydir/sysio/data \
--config-dir /users/mydir/sysio/config \
--plugin sysio::producer_plugin \
--plugin sysio::chain_plugin \
--plugin sysio::http_plugin \
--plugin sysio::state_history_plugin \
--contracts-console \
--disable-replay-opts \
--access-control-allow-origin='*' \
--http-validate-host=false \
--verbose-http-errors \
--state-history-dir /shpdata \
--trace-history \
--chain-state-history \
>> nodeop.log 2>&1 &

The above nodeop command starts a producing node by:

  • enabling block production (-e)
  • identifying itself as block producer "sysio" (-p)
  • setting the blockchain data directory (--data-dir)
  • setting the config.ini directory (--config-dir)
  • loading plugins producer_plugin, chain_plugin, http_plugin, state_history_plugin (--plugin)
  • passing chain_plugin options (--contracts-console, --disable-replay-opts)
  • passing http-plugin options (--access-control-allow-origin, --http-validate-host, --verbose-http-errors)
  • passing state_history options (--state-history-dir, --trace-history, --chain-state-history)
  • redirecting both stdout and stderr to the nodeop.log file
  • returning to the shell by running in the background (&)