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Prune context-free data


This how-to procedure showcases the steps to prune context-free data (CFD) from a transaction. The process involves launching the sysio-blocklog utility with the --prune-transactions option, the transaction ID(s) that contain(s) the context-free data, and additional options as specified below.


The following items must be known in advance or completed before starting the procedure:

  • The ID of a retired transaction with context-free data in a finalized block.
  • Become familiar with the context-free data section of a transaction.
  • Review the sysio-blocklog command-line utility reference.


Complete the following steps to prune the context-free data from the transaction:

  1. Locate the transaction ID you want to prune the context-free data from, e.g. <trx_id>. The transaction ID can also be found on the id field of the transaction.

  2. Locate the block number that contains the transaction, e.g. <block_num>. Make sure the block number matches the block_num field of the transaction.

  3. Find the blocks directory and state history directory (if applicable), e.g. <blocks_dir> and <state_hist_dir>, respectively.

  4. Launch the sysio-blocklog utility as follows:

    sysio-blocklog [--blocks-dir <blocks_dir>] [--state-history-dir <state_hist_dir>] --prune-transactions --block-num <block_num> --transaction <trx_id> [--transaction <trx_id2> ...]

    If the operation is successful:

    • The sysio-blocklog utility terminates silently with a zero error code (no error).
    • The following fields are updated within the pruned transaction from the block logs:
      • The prunable_data["prunable_data"][0] field is set from 0 to 1.
      • The signatures field is set to an empty array.
      • The context_free_data field is set to an empty array.
      • The packed_context_free_data field, if any, is removed.

    If the operaton is unsuccessful:

    • The sysio-blocklog utility outputs an error to stderr and terminates with a non-zero error code (indicating an error).


Some additional considerations are in order:

  • You can pass multiple transactions to sysio-blocklog if they are within the same block.
  • You can use sysio-blocklog to display the block that contains the pruned transactions.


In this example, we reproduce the steps listed in the Procedure section above.

Transaction sample (before)

Refer to the following transaction sample with context-free data:

"id": "1b9a9c53f9b692d3382bcc19c0c21eb22207e2f51a30fe88dabbb45376b6ff23",
"trx": {
"receipt": {
"status": "executed",
"cpu_usage_us": 155,
"net_usage_words": 14,
"trx": [
"compression": "none",
"prunable_data": {
"prunable_data": [
"signatures": [
"packed_context_free_data": "0203a1b2c3031a2b3c"
"packed_trx": "ec42545f7500ffe8aa290000000100305631191abda90000000000901d4d00000100305631191abda90000000000901d4d0100305631191abda900000000a8ed32320000"
"trx": {
"expiration": "2020-09-06T02:01:16",
"ref_block_num": 117,
"ref_block_prefix": 699066623,
"max_net_usage_words": 0,
"max_cpu_usage_ms": 0,
"delay_sec": 0,
"context_free_actions": [
"account": "payloadless",
"name": "doit",
"authorization": [],
"data": ""
"actions": [
"account": "payloadless",
"name": "doit",
"authorization": [
"actor": "payloadless",
"permission": "active"
"data": ""
"signatures": [
"context_free_data": [
"block_time": "2020-09-06T02:00:47.000",
"block_num": 119,
"last_irreversible_block": 128,
"traces": [
"action_ordinal": 1,
"creator_action_ordinal": 0,
"closest_unnotified_ancestor_action_ordinal": 0,
"receipt": {
"receiver": "payloadless",
"act_digest": "4f09a630d4456585ee4ec5ef96c14151587367ad381f9da445b6b6239aae82cf",
"global_sequence": 156,
"recv_sequence": 2,
"auth_sequence": [],
"code_sequence": 1,
"abi_sequence": 1
"receiver": "payloadless",
"act": {
"account": "payloadless",
"name": "doit",
"authorization": [],
"data": ""
"context_free": true,
"elapsed": 206,
"console": "Im a payloadless action",
"trx_id": "1b9a9c53f9b692d3382bcc19c0c21eb22207e2f51a30fe88dabbb45376b6ff23",
"block_num": 119,
"block_time": "2020-09-06T02:00:47.000",
"producer_block_id": null,
"account_ram_deltas": [],
"account_disk_deltas": [],
"except": null,
"error_code": null,
"return_value_hex_data": ""
"action_ordinal": 2,
"creator_action_ordinal": 0,
"closest_unnotified_ancestor_action_ordinal": 0,
"receipt": {
"receiver": "payloadless",
"act_digest": "b8871e8f3c79b02804a2ad28acb015f503e7f6e56f35565e5fa37b6767da1aa5",
"global_sequence": 157,
"recv_sequence": 3,
"auth_sequence": [
"code_sequence": 1,
"abi_sequence": 1
"receiver": "payloadless",
"act": {
"account": "payloadless",
"name": "doit",
"authorization": [
"actor": "payloadless",
"permission": "active"
"data": ""
"context_free": false,
"elapsed": 11,
"console": "Im a payloadless action",
"trx_id": "1b9a9c53f9b692d3382bcc19c0c21eb22207e2f51a30fe88dabbb45376b6ff23",
"block_num": 119,
"block_time": "2020-09-06T02:00:47.000",
"producer_block_id": null,
"account_ram_deltas": [],
"account_disk_deltas": [],
"except": null,
"error_code": null,
"return_value_hex_data": ""


Using the above transaction to recreate the steps above:

  1. Locate the transaction ID: 1b9a9c53f9b692d3382bcc19c0c21eb22207e2f51a30fe88dabbb45376b6ff23.

  2. Locate the block number: 119.

  3. Find the blocks directory and state history directory (if applicable), e.g. <blocks_dir> and <state_hist_dir>.

  4. Launch the sysio-blocklog utility as follows:

    sysio-blocklog --blocks-dir <blocks_dir> --state-history-dir <state_hist_dir> --prune-transactions --block-num 119 --transaction 1b9a9c53f9b692d3382bcc19c0c21eb22207e2f51a30fe88dabbb45376b6ff23

If successful, the utility returns silently. If unsuccessful, it outputs an error to stderr.

Transaction sample (after)

After retrieving the transaction a second time, the pruned transaction looks as follows:

"id": "1b9a9c53f9b692d3382bcc19c0c21eb22207e2f51a30fe88dabbb45376b6ff23",
"trx": {
"receipt": {
"status": "executed",
"cpu_usage_us": 155,
"net_usage_words": 14,
"trx": [
"compression": "none",
"prunable_data": {
"prunable_data": [
"digest": "6f29ea8ab323ffee90585238ff32300c4ee6aa563235ff05f3c1feb855f09189"
"packed_trx": "ec42545f7500ffe8aa290000000100305631191abda90000000000901d4d00000100305631191abda90000000000901d4d0100305631191abda900000000a8ed32320000"
"trx": {
"expiration": "2020-09-06T02:01:16",
"ref_block_num": 117,
"ref_block_prefix": 699066623,
"max_net_usage_words": 0,
"max_cpu_usage_ms": 0,
"delay_sec": 0,
"context_free_actions": [
"account": "payloadless",
"name": "doit",
"authorization": [],
"data": ""
"actions": [
"account": "payloadless",
"name": "doit",
"authorization": [
"actor": "payloadless",
"permission": "active"
"data": ""
"signatures": [],
"context_free_data": []
"block_time": "2020-09-06T02:00:47.000",
"block_num": 119,
"last_irreversible_block": 131,
"traces": [
"action_ordinal": 1,
"creator_action_ordinal": 0,
"closest_unnotified_ancestor_action_ordinal": 0,
"receipt": {
"receiver": "payloadless",
"act_digest": "4f09a630d4456585ee4ec5ef96c14151587367ad381f9da445b6b6239aae82cf",
"global_sequence": 156,
"recv_sequence": 2,
"auth_sequence": [],
"code_sequence": 1,
"abi_sequence": 1
"receiver": "payloadless",
"act": {
"account": "payloadless",
"name": "doit",
"authorization": [],
"data": ""
"context_free": true,
"elapsed": 206,
"console": "Im a payloadless action",
"trx_id": "1b9a9c53f9b692d3382bcc19c0c21eb22207e2f51a30fe88dabbb45376b6ff23",
"block_num": 119,
"block_time": "2020-09-06T02:00:47.000",
"producer_block_id": null,
"account_ram_deltas": [],
"account_disk_deltas": [],
"except": null,
"error_code": null,
"return_value_hex_data": ""
"action_ordinal": 2,
"creator_action_ordinal": 0,
"closest_unnotified_ancestor_action_ordinal": 0,
"receipt": {
"receiver": "payloadless",
"act_digest": "b8871e8f3c79b02804a2ad28acb015f503e7f6e56f35565e5fa37b6767da1aa5",
"global_sequence": 157,
"recv_sequence": 3,
"auth_sequence": [
"code_sequence": 1,
"abi_sequence": 1
"receiver": "payloadless",
"act": {
"account": "payloadless",
"name": "doit",
"authorization": [
"actor": "payloadless",
"permission": "active"
"data": ""
"context_free": false,
"elapsed": 11,
"console": "Im a payloadless action",
"trx_id": "1b9a9c53f9b692d3382bcc19c0c21eb22207e2f51a30fe88dabbb45376b6ff23",
"block_num": 119,
"block_time": "2020-09-06T02:00:47.000",
"producer_block_id": null,
"account_ram_deltas": [],
"account_disk_deltas": [],
"except": null,
"error_code": null,
"return_value_hex_data": ""


Notice the following modified fields within the pruned transaction:

  • The prunable_data["prunable_data"][0] field is 1.
  • The signatures field now contains an empty array.
  • The context_free_data field contains an empty array.
  • The packed_context_free_data field is removed.

Next Steps

The following actions are available after you complete the procedure:

  • Verify that the pruned transaction indeed contains pruned context-free data.
  • Display the block that contains the pruned transaction from the block logs.